{% include 'nav.html' %} {% block content %}
SN | {% for col in columnsTD %} {% if loop.index > 4 %}{{ col }} | {% elif col == "Total Delayed Projects" %}Delayed Projects | {% else %}{{ col }} | {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ loop.index }} | {% for col in columnsTD %} {% if loop.index > 1 and loop.index < 5 %}{{ row.get(col, 'N/A') }} | {% elif loop.index > 4 %}{% if row[col] == '0' or row[col] == 0 %} {% else %} {{ row[col] }} {% endif %} | {% else %}{{ row[col] }} | {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% for col in columnsTD %} | {% if loop.first %} Total {% elif col == "Total Budget (AED)" %} {{ table_data | sum(col) | round(2)}}B {% else %} {{ table_data | sum(col) | round(2)}} {% endif %} | {% endfor %}||
{% for col in columnsTD %} | {% if loop.index == 1 %} {% elif loop.index == 2 %} KPI {% elif col == "Total Delayed Projects" %} {{ ((table_data | sum("Total Delayed Projects")) / (table_data | sum("Total Projects")) * 100) | round(2) }} % {% elif col == "Total Budget (AED)" %} {% else %} {{ ((table_data | sum(col)) / (table_data | sum("Total Delayed Projects")) * 100) | round(2) }} % {% endif %} | {% endfor %}
SN | {% for col in columnsTD_e %} {% if loop.index > 4 %}{{ col }} | {% elif col == "Total Delayed Projects" %}Delayed Projects | {% elif col == "Executer" %}Executer | {% else %}{{ col }} | {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ loop.index }} | {% for col in columnsTD_e %} {% if loop.index > 1 and loop.index < 5 %}{{ row.get(col, 'N/A') }} | {% elif loop.index > 4 %}{% if row[col] == '0' or row[col] == 0 %} {% else %} {{ row[col] }} {% endif %} | {% else %}{% if row[col] == "AAM" %} Al Ain Municipality {% elif row[col] == "DMT" %} Department of Municipalities and Transport {% elif row[col] == "ADM" %} Abu Dhabi Municipality {% elif row[col] == "ADHA" %} Abu Dhabi Housing Authority {% elif row[col] == "Al Dar" %} Aldar Properties {% elif row[col] == "ITC" %} Integrated Transport Center {% elif row[col] == "Musanada" %} Abu Dhabi General Services Company (Musanada) {% elif row[col] == "DRM" %} Al Dhafrah Municipality {% elif row[col] == "AD Ports" %} Abu Dhabi Ports {% endif%} | {% endif %} {% endfor %}|
{% for col in columnsTD_e %} | {% if loop.first %} Total {% elif col == "Total Budget (AED)" %} AED {{ table_data_e | sum(col) | round(2)}}B {% else %} {{ table_data_e | sum(col) | round(2)}} {% endif %} | {% endfor %}|||
{% for col in columnsTD_e %} | {% if loop.index == 1 %} {% elif loop.index == 2 %} KPI {% elif col == "Total Delayed Projects" %} {{((table_data_e | sum("Total Delayed Projects")) / (table_data_e | sum("Total Projects")) * 100) | round(2) }} % {% elif col == "Total Budget (AED)" %} {% else %} {{ ((table_data_e | sum(col)) / (table_data_e | sum("Total Delayed Projects")) * 100) | round(2) }} % {% endif %} | {% endfor %}
{{ col }} | {% endfor %}
{{ cell }} | {% endfor %}